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Mike in Virginia Beach

Michael B
Posts: 1 
New Member
Topic starter

I want to say thank you to Matthew for building this forum.  It will come in handy as a sole source of information. Anyway, the wife and I have a 2018 RangeRunner.  I served 26 years in the Navy and retired as Master Chief. My last duty station was NAS Oceana so my wife and I decided to stay in Virginia Beach.   I’m originally from Minnesota and my wife is from Western New York. We like to camp monthly, mostly during the week. I’m also the admin for Runaway Campers World on Facebook. 

Posted : 17/09/2021 7:54 am 
Matthew M
Posts: 118 
Trusted Member Admin
Posted by: @bchviking

I want to say thank you to Matthew for building this forum.  It will come in handy as a sole source of information. Anyway, the wife and I have a 2018 RangeRunner.  I served 26 years in the Navy and retired as Master Chief. My last duty station was NAS Oceana so my wife and I decided to stay in Virginia Beach.   I’m originally from Minnesota and my wife is from Western New York. We like to camp monthly, mostly during the week. I’m also the admin for Runaway Campers World on Facebook. 

Hi Michael, thanks for joining!

How You Doin Hello GIF by SVT

I loved Virginia Beach, I was in the Marines and stationed at a small base that was literally right on the beach. Definitely one of my favorite bases, by far.

Looking forward to seeing more about your camper and setup.


Forum Rules, Tiny Ohm Build, Tiny Ohm Rentals

Posted : 17/09/2021 12:07 pm 

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