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New Member Intro

Harvey M
Posts: 6 
Active Member
Topic starter

Hi, Everyone my name is Harvey my user name will be HarMac. I heard about this website from watching Hangin with Herky this morning. I intend to purchase a Runaway Rangerunner as so as I can save enough money. I am retired and wish to camp in both the National Forests and State Parks. I have been watching many YouTube Channels of Runaway Camper Owners. I enjoy watching these adventures; but now I want to join in on the fun. Also I wish to get great ideas on how to customize my Runaway once purchase.

Posted : 24/03/2022 1:56 pm
Tammy P, Alicia R and Larry L reacted
Larry L
Posts: 38 
Trusted Member

welcome Harvey.  Good luck with the Rangerunner purchase.

Posted : 24/03/2022 4:13 pm 
Wayne M
Posts: 32 
Trusted Member Admin Registered

Welcome to the Forum! Thank you for Joining. We look forward to seeing more on your future projects and trips once you get that camper! 🙂

Posted : 28/03/2022 10:04 am 

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