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[Sticky] Member of the Month

Matthew M
Posts: 118 
Trusted Member Admin
Topic starter

Starting in October of this year (2021), we will begin a member of the month system.

This will be nominated and voted on by members of the forum. The process will be documented below, but please keep in mind that this may be revised and improved on.


Nomination and Voting Procedure:

  • If you would like to start a nomination thread, please do so by creating a thread titled: “Member of the Month — (month/year)”
  • Please limit this to one thread per month of the year in order to consolidate posts.
  • An admin will keep an eye on the thread. Once it receives 2 or more nominations, a poll will be set up for users to cast their votes.
  • The winner will be the member with the most votes who also meets the other criteria listed in the section below.


Criteria for Winning:

  • Must be nominated from another member.
  • Must receive the highest amount of votes.
  • Must have a verified profile.
  • Must have a member showcase thread.


Winners Receive:

  • Featured on homepage and banners throughout the site.
  • Dedicated Member of the Month thread


Other Prizes?

I’m open to ideas, maybe we can have real prizes or stickers. Member of the month badge is coming soon. Perhaps these can be simple prizes, or bragging rights, and we do a annual winner from the member of the months. The Member of the Year can get a big prize?

Forum Rules, Tiny Ohm Build, Tiny Ohm Rentals

Posted : 30/09/2021 2:21 pm
Vidal V reacted

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