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Roadtrip: Central C…
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[Solved] Roadtrip: Central Coast to Mojave Desert and back.

Paul O
Posts: 29 
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In February, the doggo and I undertook a week long road trip from the California coast to Pahrump NV, back over to Paso Robles and home to Oxnard, visited my mother and brother separately along the way. This was my longest trip so far in my Rangerunner, and I learned a few things. A little different mode of travel than the usual weekend warrior mode. we had some wintery weather to contend with that came in waves, sometimes the weather was great, sometimes not so much,  even had a little dusting of snow at one point. The Rangerunner was a nice, cozy  refuge as I have installed a propane heater in it. 


Saddleback Butte State Park.


This was site #1 and there was a massive fire ant infestation near the picnic table, so we hunkered down in the far corner of the large site. 


Trying out the new Camp Chef propane fire pit. The only time I would use it on the trip.


Shoshone Trailer Village RV Park. There’s a nice oasis and pond and a Pupfish restoration projection there. 


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Camping off Wheeler Pass Rd, on the east slope of Mt. Charleston. Very quiet but also well populated down lower to town. I almost missed this spot and was running out of options in the waning daylight. 

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This was a quick spike camp, so I didn’t set up the full kitchen, had a freeze dried meal and a beverage and called it a night. 

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The Barstow (Yermo, really) KOA was a contingency plan stop that I had to activate for two nights in order to wait out a storm that I knew would close the route over Tehachapi Pass that I needed to take in order to visit my brother near Paso Robles. I took advantage of the time to do laundry, grab a shower and top off propane. 


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Was snowing lightly when this photo was taken. 

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Lots of windmills around Tehachapi. Ruby enjoying her first experience with snow. 

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Mr. Fancy Pants, camping in a vineyard. Hosted my bro for lunch here. 

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Posted : 29/03/2022 7:46 pm

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